Join us in New York City for these upcoming events:


Saturday, March 15th

Bird Outing with Inwood Hill Park Conservancy

in Inwood Hill Park

Details to follow--subscribe to the mailing list

Sunday, March 23rd, 11:30 am

Tree Wonder Drawing Session 

at the English Elm in Washington Square Park

Details at Tree Wonder

Wednesday, March 26th, 7:15 am*

WSP Wildlife Survey

in Washington Square Park

Email localnaturelab at gmail dot com for to join

*The last Wednesday of each month

Thursday, April 17th, 12 pm

Tabling at Earth Day Initiative

in Union Square

Details to follow--subscribe to the mailing list

Sunday, May 4th at 9 am

Spring Migration Bird Outing with Heather Wolf

in Washington Square Park

Details to follow--subscribe to the mailing list

May date TBD

Birding by Canoe with Gowanus Dredgers

in Gowanus

Details to follow--subscribe to the mailing list

Sunday, June 8th at 9 am

Children's Bird Outing with Friends of McGolrick Park

in McGolrick Park

Details to follow--subscribe to the mailing list

Friday, February 14th at 8 am

Great Backyard Bird Count with Tatiana and Ted

in Washington Square Park at the Southeast Corner

Join us to count birds! This is a limited caapcity event (max of 20 people). The event is accessible. We will stay on flat, paved paths. The event is inclusive of all birding abilities and welcomes children accompanied by adults. There are restrooms available in the park. The park is transit accessible (please check the MTA website for travel details).

FALL 2024

Sunday, December 15th at 9 am

Christmas Bird Count

in Washington Square Park

 Information and registration at NYC Bird Alliance

Sunday, November 17th at 11:30am 

Tree Wonder Drawing Session Season Closing 

at the English Elm in Washington Square Park 

Sunday, November 10th at 11:30am

Tree Wonder Drawing Session with artist Kate Gridley 

at the English Elm in Washington Square Park

Sunday, November 3rd at 11:30am

Tree Wonder Drawing Session with artist Miriam Kurman 

at the English Elm in Washington Square Park 

Saturday, November 2nd at 10am

 Phenology Tour with Carey Russell 

Click here to register— space is limited!

Saturday, November 2nd at 10am

 Leaf Peeping with Carey Russell 

Click here to register— space is limited!

Sunday, October 13th at 9am

 Birding Tour with Heather Wolf 

Click here to register— space is limited!

Bottom four images via Street Lab.