Our programs are funded by individual contributions and grants. Local Nature Lab is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Service. Your donation is deductible to the extent of the law. Our EIN is 87-2377775.
Donate by check.
Our mailing address is:
Local Nature Lab
93 4th Avenue # 59
New York, NY 10276
Give via a Donor Advised Fund.
If you have a DAF with Vanguard, BNY Mellon or Fidelity, you can donate directly here. You will receive an immediate federal tax deduction.
Transfer Details:
Local Nature Lab
93 4th Avenue # 59
New York, NY 10276
EIN: 87-2377775
Contact us by email localnaturelab at gmail dot com to learn more about our programs or donation options.